[EXT] Anonymous outer identity
Jaume Obrador Vaquer
jobrador at lledoner.com
Wed Jun 1 11:32:50 UTC 2022
Thanks a lot Brian, it worked perfect!
For the record: I just moved the VLAN assigning code:
if (LDAP-Group == 10000 ) {
update reply {
Service-Type = Framed-User
Tunnel-Type = 13
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 6
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 20
if (LDAP-Group == 10001 ) {
update reply {
Service-Type = Framed-User
Tunnel-Type = 13
Tunnel-Medium-Type = 6
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID = 40
>From the post-auth section at default site to post-auth section of
inner-tunnel site. And changed the if (0) block code to if (1) in the
inner-tunnel, after those 2 simple changes it worked as expected.
Thanks a lot again.
Missatge de Brian Julin <BJulin at clarku.edu> del dia dt., 31 de maig 2022 a
les 20:02:
> Jaume Obrador Vaquer <jobrador at lledoner.com> wrote:
> > Hi, we’ve set up freeradius 3.0 in order to authenticate users through an
> > LDAP server, also users are assigned different VLAN depending on
> gidNumber
> > ldap attribute. We have 2 enabled sites ‘default’ and ‘inner-tunnel’
> You should be performing LDAP in the inner-tunnel server, not the default
> server,
> and use the EAP-PEAP copy_request_to_tunnel option to get stuff from
> the outer layer into the inner server, if you need it. Then use an
> update outer.session-state {} clause to get stuff back out to the outer
> (default)
> server as needed.
> Alternatively you can do some LDAP post-auth lookup stuff after leaking the
> inner-tunnel username back into the outer session, but you definitely want
> to do the actual "authenticate" step in the inner tunnel, whether that be
> by AD or LDAP.
> There should be a few examples of these configurations around by now.
> Also, FWIW, windows clients will postpend your domain name on the value
> in the "identity privacy" field. So if the username is foo at test.com and
> they put "anon" in this feild, the outer identity will be "anon at test.com".
> JFYI. Most other clients let you set a different domain if you want,
> Windows won't.
> -
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