Get EAP version and TLS method via radius attributes

Ibaakee Ledum ledumibaakee at
Fri Mar 25 08:02:32 UTC 2022

Hello, I'm a newbie to freeradius so forgive my lack of knowledge.

I use the rlm_python module during radius authentication / authorization
and would like to know if during EAP authentication, attributes related to
EAP can be fetched from the rlm_python module to determine the EAP method
used and TLS version if possible.

E.g we have functions like *authorize, authenticate, post_auth *which are
called during a radius request for rlm_python and they all accept a vps
argument containing a tuple of request attributes, e.t.c.

Is it possible to fetch EAP method and TLS version from this vps argument ?


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