Extracting a value from an LDAP attribute

florentvercourt at gmail.com florentvercourt at gmail.com
Thu Feb 2 10:54:37 UTC 2023

Hello all, 


I have been looking for a way to extract a part of an LDAP attribute that I
retrieved and map to the RADIUS attribute " Tunnel-Private-Group-Id".


The syntax of my LDAP attribute: "schacUserStatus :


I want to extract the number of the vlan, to affect it to "
Tunnel-Private-Group-Id" attribute. With the given example, I want to only
have "13" stored in " Tunnel-Private-Group-Id".


I tried that in the ldap module :

        update {

                control:Password-With-Header    += 'userPassword'

                reply:Tunnel-Private-Group-ID   := 'schacUserStatus'



However, with this solution I retrieve
"urn:mace:terena.org:schac:userStatus:FR:vlan:13+mode=manuel" in "

I also try to split it, but its length is 1.



I read all the documentations at https://networkradius.com/doc/3.0.10 and I
still don't know if there is a way to do that in unlang, and if so, do I
have to do it in the ldap module, or in my virtual server configuration; or
if it's possible to parse the LDAP attribute using Bash commands.


Thank you for your advice and help,


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