Freeradius proxy times out after 14 seconds

Alan DeKok aland at
Mon May 29 19:40:08 UTC 2023

On May 29, 2023, at 11:25 AM, raido.rattameister at wrote:
> My config is: Firewall > Freeradius > Home server
> Home server performs 2FA so I need to give users some time to accept push
> notification on their phones.
> With default config Freeradius will wait only 14 seconds before it times out
> and sends login failure back to firewall.
> I added "response_window" setting to clients.conf file.
> If response_window setting is below 14 then timeout will be reduced to
> whatever response_window value is.
> If response_window is more than 14 then timeout is always 14.

  There's nothing in the configuration which sets that to 14 seconds.  The default is 30 seconds.  The default is also to limit response_window to max_request_time.

> Is there any way to override this setting and expand timeout to 30 seconds?

  My guess is that you've changed the configuration to set max_request_time = 14.

  Either that, or you've changed the client configuration to set response_window = 14

  The simple thing to do here is read the debug output, and look for "14".  That's where the value of "14" is being set.

  Alan DeKok.

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