Modifying outgoing device name attribute

Kenny Simpson kcg_simpson at
Wed May 31 16:26:10 UTC 2023

Hi all,

New to freeradius and need a little help which has stumped me and a colleague.

We are using freeradius to proxy authentication from Fortinet to freeradius to cisco acs.  We are now stumped on how to get it to authenticate properly.  We can see in the Cisco ACS logs that the device is being authenticated and that it is matching the appropriate access service but it is failing on shared secret even though we know that the shared secret is correct and that the password for the user is correct.  Looking at the logs its says that the client is the incoming proxy server with its name and ip address as this is what is in the client.  It has the NAS IP correctly defined but I am thinking that because the device name and ip are different to the NAS IP then its failing as the actual proxied connection has a different secret.  Is there anyway of modifying the out going "device name attribute and ip" to match that of the client configuration.

I hope this makes sense hahah



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