Konfig FreeRadius with Mikrotik-Routerboard - IP-Pool SQL

Matthew Newton mcn at freeradius.org
Fri Oct 20 10:08:01 UTC 2023

On 20/10/2023 10:53, Florian Traxler (mieX GmbH) wrote:
> Thanks - I can now obtain IP's via a pool.
> How can I define the Subnet, Gateway and Lease as Reply?

Not sure from your original post if you're doing RADIUS or DHCP here, 
but you should be able to use (or adapt) the "dhcp_subnet", 
"dhcp_network" etc policies in the DHCP server example:


It sounds like ("lease") you're using DHCP so those examples show the 
attributes to use. If RADIUS, I'm not sure off-hand what all the 
attributes would be - see the Microtik documentation to find out if it's 


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