freeradius windows machine authentication

Marco Gaiarin gaio at
Mon Sep 4 13:58:29 UTC 2023

Mandi! Härtl, Calvin
  In chel di` si favelave...

> Is FreeRADIUS natively capable of doing machine authentication via AD, do I have to configure some additional files or are there any modules that I can install to do this for me?

Sure! I'm using it against an Samba AD domain,but i think it is exactly the

I've not done some strange configuration, the same plain configuration that
work for user work also for computers; currently i use:

	winbind_username = "%{mschap:%{User-Name}:-None}"
	winbind_domain = "LNFFVG"

But NOTE that, clearly, if you have setup LDAP filters:

1) your LDAP 'base_dn' HAVE TO contain also machine account OU.

2) if you have setup group filters, filters HAVE TO match also computer

On windows client side, i set explicitly in advanced options only the
'computer account' auth.

  Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn?
							(Pink Floyd)

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