When using DOUBLE_QUOTED_STRING, passwords with '\"' may not work

平林 哲 Satoshi.Hirabayashi at soliton.co.jp
Mon Sep 11 01:16:56 UTC 2023

On 2023/09/11 9:13, Alan DeKok wrote:
> On Sep 10, 2023, at 7:59 PM, 平林 哲 <Satoshi.Hirabayashi at soliton.co.jp> wrote:

>> ===
>> # cat /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/ldap1
>> ldap {
>>         server = ''
>>         identity = 'cn=tkt10886-3,cn=users,dc=srv2022,dc=rdd-osaka,dc=soliton,dc=example,dc=jp'
>>         password = "pass\"word at 2022"
>    That works when I test it.

I had made a mistake.
The following settings cause the error:

# cat /usr/local/etc/raddb/mods-enabled/ldap1
ldap {
         server = ''
         identity = 
         password = "pass\\"word at 2022"

         base_dn = 'dc=srv2022,dc=rdd-osaka,dc=soliton,dc=example,dc=jp'

 >> pass\\"word at 2022   | "pass\\\"word at 2022"   |  OK
 >    Yes, the two backslashes are un-escaped to one backslash.  And 
then the \" is converted to "
 >    This is how all double-quoted strings work.

That's how FreeRADIUS currently works.
However, it behaves differently in the shell.

$ echo "pass\\\"word at 2022"
pass\"word at 2022

Maybe the two backslashes need to be escaped into one backslash?

>> We also tried several patterns and summarised the results.
>>    Password        |   Configration        | Result
>> -------------------|-----------------------|-------
>> pass"word at 2022     | "pass\"word at 2022"     |  OK
>    Yes, the rules for double quoted strings are the same everywhere.  If you want a double quote inside of a double quoted string, you have to escape it with a backslash: \"
>> pass\"word at 2022    | "pass\\"word at 2022"    |  Syntax error
>    Yes, that doesn't work.  It's not supposed work, and it shouldn't work.
>    That string is parsed as:
> 	"pass\\"
>    and then
> 	word at 2022"
>    This is how escaping works with backslashes in all languages which support double quoted strings.
>> pass\\"word at 2022   | "pass\\\"word at 2022"   |  OK
>    Yes, the two backslashes are un-escaped to one backslash.  And then the \" is converted to "
>    This is how all double-quoted strings work.
>> pass\\\"word at 2022  | "pass\\\\"word at 2022"  |  Syntax error
>> As mentioned above, a Syntax Error occurs when '\' is an even number in the configuration.
>    Yes.  Because if you have an even number of backslashes, every double-backslash is un-escaped to one backslash.  And then if the parser sees a double quote after that, the double quote is interpreted as the end of the double quoted string.
>> Is this the right approach?
>    No.
>> Any advice would be appreciated.
>    See the rules for escaping in double quoted strings.  This is the same for all languages, including the shell.  Try passing those string to the shell:
> $ echo "pass\"word at 2022"
> pass"word at 2022
> $ echo pass\\"word at 2022"
> pass\word at 2022
> $ echo "pass\\\"word at 2022"
> pass\"word at 2022
> $ echo "pass\\\\"word at 2022"
>    And that one doesn't output anything, because she shell is waiting for final quote.
>    That final string is parsed as:
> 	"		--> start double quoted string
> 	pass 	-->  4 characters
> 	\\ 		--> one \
> 	\\		--> another \
> 	"		--> end of the double quoted string
> 	word at 2022	--> more text
> 	"		--> start of new double quoted string.
>    Alan DeKok.
> -
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