Quick question about FreeRADIUS and timezones

Stefan Paetow Stefan.Paetow at jisc.ac.uk
Fri Sep 29 13:58:03 UTC 2023


I know this is probably something really obvious but… Does FreeRADIUS log in UTC or the local timezone? Is there anything specific in terms of settings (in radiusd.conf) to make FreeRADIUS log in UTC by default if it does not?

I’ve looked at the date {} module and I note that both the ‘date’ and the ‘wispr2date’ xlats have the option to output things in UTC… would that be the only thing where this can be tweaked?

With kind regards

Stefan Paetow
Federated Roaming Technical Specialist
eduroam(UK), Jisc

email/teams: stefan.paetow at jisc.ac.uk
gpg: 0x3FCE5142

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