FreeRadius EAP-TLS Auth using Email Address

Marco Gaiarin gaio at
Fri Feb 2 12:28:51 UTC 2024

Mandi! "LOWES,  Phil \(LEICESTERSHIRE PARTNERSHIP NHS TRUST\) via Freeradius-Users" 
  In chel di` si favelave...

> How can I change FreeRadius to authenticate using the email address instead of the username?

I think is more a matter of winbind, than freeradius.

Winbind is able to authenticate using email? Typically, the email is also
the UPN?

  We certainly would not want to have the same kind of democracy as they
  have in Iraq		(President Vladimir Putin, responding to U.S.
			 President George W. Bush's suggestion that Russia
			 should be more democratic, taken from NewsWeek)

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