How to write log only once in Post-Auth-Type REJECT section of EAP module?

남혁준 sawd1598 at
Tue Jan 30 05:02:46 UTC 2024

great. Thank you for your reply.

If you summarize your words

update "session-state" in "INNER-SERVER",

If this "session-state" is available in the Post-Auth REJECT section of
"External-SERVER", use it.

I understand what you wrote above.

So can you please confirm why the comment I mentioned exists?

My report said, "There is no reason. I just tried it and it worked." I
can't say that.

If I update "sesssion-state" in "INNER-SERVER" I actually get usable
results as I want.

However, the comment related to "session-state" in the Post-Auth REJECT
section of "External-SERVER" says "It cannot be used." And what you mean by
this is "it doesn't exist." He said.

As a result, according to the comments and what you said, I shouldn't be
able to use "session-state".
But I'm confused because I can use "session-state".

Can you explain why I can use it?
(I may have misunderstood the comment or what you said.)

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