2 IMPORTANT Announcements from Network RADIUS

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Mon Jul 8 20:41:57 UTC 2024


Stay tuned for an important announcement tomorrow regarding some CRITICAL changes you need to know about.

We have been working to improve RADIUS security for decades, and we're announcing the results tomorrow.  Rest assured that we have been working hard behind the scenes with the community so that everyone is aware of the changes.

We’ll be hosting two webinars on Tuesday, July 9th (tomorrow) to explain what is changing.. Both sessions will have similar content, giving background and context for the changes, and information about how you can increase RADIUS security. The first session will have a special guest cryptographer to give some additional background.

For both sessions, the intended audience is implementers, system administrators, and people generally familiar with RADIUS.

Recordings will be made available if you aren’t able to attend.

In short, keep tomorrow open.  Be prepared.

REGISTER FOR Tuesday, July 9th 9:00am ET. https://alandekok.com/webinar2/ <https://1ae5b3aa-37c8-421a-8a7b-e33cac27e221.mlbtlr.com/p2/G0eViqYKQmazQ_n5MK0bRg/eWwz6a1LROqOAHzZ-5Kc5A?contact_id=CqRPEDNoIqZ2tu5WhLSjIw>
Alan DeKok, founder of freeRADIUS and CEO of InkBridge Networks (formerly Network RADIUS)  and a special cryptographer guest 

REGISTER FOR Tuesday July 9th, 2:00pm ET. https://alandekok.com/webinar/ <https://1ae5b3aa-37c8-421a-8a7b-e33cac27e221.mlbtlr.com/p2/G0eViqYKQmazQ_n5MK0bRg/_5zlwwWOQse7McGqJFjgFA?contact_id=CqRPEDNoIqZ2tu5WhLSjIw>
Alan DeKok founder of freeRADIUS and CEO of InkBridge Networks (formerly Network RADIUS)

You may also want to check out our RFC for the IETF on deprecating insecure practices in RADIUS: https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-ietf-radext-deprecating-radius/ <https://1ae5b3aa-37c8-421a-8a7b-e33cac27e221.mlbtlr.com/p2/G0eViqYKQmazQ_n5MK0bRg/3aW-pM6yTIiyToeJgjbH-Q?contact_id=CqRPEDNoIqZ2tu5WhLSjIw> 

*** Network RADIUS has rebranded as InkBridge Networks ***

Over the last sixteen years, Network RADIUS has evolved from a freeRADIUS centred consultancy, to one that provides products and services for a wide variety of network protocols.

It was time for our brand to reflect our new position as the global leader in foundational network expertise.

We are still in the process of migrating our old Network RADIUS site to our new digs at InkBridgeNetworks.com <https://1ae5b3aa-37c8-421a-8a7b-e33cac27e221.mlbtlr.com/p2/G0eViqYKQmazQ_n5MK0bRg/uWcT1C3cTVeDjTSQwzwc-g?contact_id=CqRPEDNoIqZ2tu5WhLSjIw>. You’ll notice some of our pages still link to Network RADIUS site but that won’t be for long.

If you have any questions about this, feel free to respond to this email.

Visit our new website at https://InkBridgeNetworks.com <https://1ae5b3aa-37c8-421a-8a7b-e33cac27e221.mlbtlr.com/p2/G0eViqYKQmazQ_n5MK0bRg/C4HMf-wBQJu-XKIBr-m8kg?contact_id=CqRPEDNoIqZ2tu5WhLSjIw> 
Read our press release  at: https://alandekok.com/network-radius-becomes-inkbridge-networks-goes-after-the-wider-enterprise-network-market/ <https://1ae5b3aa-37c8-421a-8a7b-e33cac27e221.mlbtlr.com/p2/G0eViqYKQmazQ_n5MK0bRg/f0utpkJ-QSCjjBBzJ4OCMQ?contact_id=CqRPEDNoIqZ2tu5WhLSjIw>

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