RADIUS design flaw announced today

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Tue Jul 9 12:29:07 UTC 2024

  The FreeRADIUS notification is at https://www.freeradius.org/security/

  It's time to upgrade every switch, router, VPN concentrator, firewall, access point controller, RADIUS server. World-wide.

  This is a design flaw in the RADIUS protocol. It affects all vendors of all RADIUS products.

  I've been working on this for 5 months, and have written the definitive guide that all vendors are using to fix their equipment. We also have vendor-neutral test tools and upgrade documentation.

  This is not just a "patch Tuesday". The new security features are controlled by compatibility flags. Upgrading is a multi-step process on both client and server.

  Full details at https://www.inkbridgenetworks.com/blastradius/faq

  In short, I was complaining about this issue in 1998.  I tried to fix it in RFC5080, in 2007.  FreeRADIUS has had fixes in since 3.0.0, in 2007.  Since most vendors didn't follow the recommendations of RFC 5080, we're now in a panic mode "OMG, upgrade everything".

  I'm doing a free webinar later today at https://alandekok.com/webinar/

  Alan DeKok.

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