Is there a way log EAP NAK reason with linelog?

Rahman DURAN rahman.duran at
Fri Jul 12 07:39:30 UTC 2024

Hi again,

After doing some packet capture and reading some EAPoL docs here is what I

1. Access request sent to freeradius for the problematic client:
AVP: t=EAP-Message(79) l=29 Last Segment[1]
    Type: 79
    Length: 29
    EAP fragment: 0201001b016d2e747572616e4065727a7572756d2e6564752e7472
    Extensible Authentication Protocol
        Code: Response (2)
        Id: 1
        Length: 27
        Type: Identity (1)
        Identity: xxxx at

2. Freeradius responds with a challenge with EAP-PEAP
AVP: t=EAP-Message(79) l=8 Last Segment[1]
    Type: 79
    Length: 8
    EAP fragment: 010200061920
    Extensible Authentication Protocol
        Code: Request (1)
        Id: 2
        Length: 6
        Type: Protected EAP (EAP-PEAP) (25)
        EAP-TLS Flags: 0x20
            0... .... = Length Included: False
            .0.. .... = More Fragments: False
            ..1. .... = Start: True
            .... .000 = Version: 0

3. Problematic client does not like it and send a request with a "legacy
nak" with desired eap type "EAP-TTLS" (which freeradius also supports)
AVP: t=EAP-Message(79) l=8 Last Segment[1]
    Type: 79
    Length: 8
    EAP fragment: 020200060315
    Extensible Authentication Protocol
        Code: Response (2)
        Id: 2
        Length: 6
        Type: Legacy Nak (Response Only) (3)
        Desired Auth Type: Tunneled TLS EAP (EAP-TTLS) (21)

4. Freeradius responds with another challenge with EAP-TTLS as client
AVP: t=EAP-Message(79) l=8 Last Segment[1]
    Type: 79
    Length: 8
    EAP fragment: 010300061520
    Extensible Authentication Protocol
        Code: Request (1)
        Id: 3
        Length: 6
        Type: Tunneled TLS EAP (EAP-TTLS) (21)
        EAP-TLS Flags: 0x20
            0... .... = Length Included: False
            .0.. .... = More Fragments: False
            ..1. .... = Start: True
            .... .000 = Version: 0

5. Client seems to not accept EAP-TTLS type even it asked itself and send
another NAK with desired type "unkown"
AVP: t=EAP-Message(79) l=8 Last Segment[1]
    Type: 79
    Length: 8
    EAP fragment: 020300060300
    Extensible Authentication Protocol
        Code: Response (2)
        Id: 3
        Length: 6
        Type: Legacy Nak (Response Only) (3)
        Desired Auth Type: Unknown (0)

6. Freeradius rejects the clients:
AVP: t=EAP-Message(79) l=6 Last Segment[1]
    Type: 79
    Length: 6
    EAP fragment: 04030004
    Extensible Authentication Protocol
        Code: Failure (4)
        Id: 3
        Length: 4

So it seems the problem is in the client but It should be easy for us if
"%{Module-Failure-Message}" prints something like "Client sent NAK,
rejecting client". Or if there is a way to make Freeradius to log this kind
of situations.


Rahman Duran
Bilgi İşlem Daire Başkanlığı
Erzurum Teknik Üniversitesi
444 5 388 - 2730

Rahman DURAN <rahman.duran at>, 12 Tem 2024 Cum, 09:30
tarihinde şunu yazdı:

> Hi Allan,
> Thanks for the hint. I added "EAP-Message" field to linelog template and
> started logging. What I see is, for most of the users
> "%{Module-Failure-Message}" attribute tells me what is going wrong when
> eap-type is NAK. Like;
> - eap.etu: rlm_eap (eap.etu): No EAP session matching state
> 0x30004a5b31035f45
> - or, eap.etu: No mutually acceptable types found
> This is all good, but for some clients, eap type is NAK but inner or outer
> "%{Module-Failure-Message}" does not log anything.
> Here is an example log for empty "%{Module-Failure-Message}":
> freeradius-etu-freeradius-etu-co  Rejected User: [xxxx at]
> inner_username: [] event_timestamp: [2024-07-12-]
> calling_station_id: [xxx] called_station_id: [xxx:eduroam] ssid: [eduroam]
> srcip: [] nas_name: [xxxx] client_location: [] failure_msg: []
> inner_failure_msg: [] etu_service: [etu_service_eduroam_local] auth_type:
> [eap.etu] eap_type: [NAK] tls_version: [] eap_message: [0x020300060300]
> I tried to find an online eap message decoder but failed to find one. Does
> "0x020300060300" with EAP type NAK gives any hints?
> Thanks for your help.
> Rahman Duran
> Alan DeKok <aland at>, 11 Tem 2024 Per, 19:21 tarihinde
> şunu yazdı:
>> On Jul 11, 2024, at 6:36 AM, Rahman DURAN via Freeradius-Users <
>> freeradius-users at> wrote:
>> > I only support EAP-PEAP and EAP-TTLS for EAP types. Is there a way to
>> log
>> > the reason for EAP NAK while using "linelog"? For now, "%{EAP-Type}"
>> > attribute prints "NAK" but could not find any additional attribute for
>> the
>> > NAK reason? If there is no default attribute, I can set a custom one
>> with
>> > "unlang" somewhere, so I can use it in "linelog" template?
>>   If the client sends NAK,  my $0.02 is to just log the EAP-Message from
>> the request.  The trailing bytes of EAP-Message are the various EAP types
>> that the client is trying to use.
>>   Actually decoding the NAK values will be a bit more work.
>>   Alan DeKok.

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