Understanding FreeRADIUS statistics

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Fri Jun 21 13:21:31 UTC 2024

On Jun 21, 2024, at 6:50 AM, dominic.stalder at unibe.ch wrote:
> I read about the server statistics (https://freeradius.org/documentation/freeradius-server/3.2.4/howto/monitoring/statistics.html) but still don’t get it a 100%. I use this information as a reference:

  That is the canonical source for documentation.  We've spent a fair bit of time updating that site to be current and correct.  It's good to see that it's helpful.

  That being said, the statistics aren't always perfect.  I took a quick look, and there were cases where the stats weren't updated.

  I've pushed a change which should help.

> 1. The total numbers are an incremented total since “FreeRADIUS-Stats-Start-Time”, is that correct?


> 2. Based on which additional value could I calculate the percentage of successful RADIUS “tries” (“FreeRADIUS-Total-Access-Accepts” and ???)?
> a) There is a massive difference between “FreeRADIUS-Total-Access-Accepts” and “FreeRADIUS-Total-Access-Requests” or “FreeRADIUS-Total-Auth-Responses” and why is that?

  Issues.  See above.

> b) somehow the values for “FreeRADIUS-Total-Access-Accepts” and “FreeRADIUS-Total-Access-Rejects” should somehow correlate with any of the other total values; or I am completely wrong about this?

  The numbers for requests and responses should be the same.

> 3. Concerning the Proxy-statistics:
> a) Why are the values for  FreeRADIUS-Total-Proxy-Access-Accepts and FreeRADIUS-Total-Proxy-Access-Rejects always = 0?

  Hmm... I'm not sure.  I'll take a look.

  Alan DeKok.

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