Variables usage and %explode function

Ted S. tec_ted88 at
Wed Mar 6 10:25:04 UTC 2024


im using freeradius 3.2. I want extract from the TLS-Client-Cert-Common-Name only the Hostname and strip off the fqdn part and update 
the User-Name for further processings. I found the split string function with %explode in the documentation. 

I dont get it working, i tried following 2 variants:

Variant 1 with variables: 

i tried using temp variables for conversion and used the "local variables" example from the documentation. I read that there variables only can be used in: "One 
of case, else, elsif, foreach, group, if ,limit, or timeout. Local variables are forbidden in all other locations." So i build a dummy "if" for that.

       if ("1"=="1") {

       string TmpString1 

        &TmpString1 := "%explode(%{TLS-Client-Cert-Common-Name}, '.')"
        &User-Name := "%{TmpString1[0]}$"

-> Error Log on Radiusd -X:
/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/check-eap-tls[105]: Expecting section start brace '{' after "string TmpString1" 

-> the declaration looks like the example but what im doing wrong?

Variant 2 without helping variables, in one line:

        update request {
                &User-Name := "%explode(%{TLS-Client-Cert-Common-Name}, '.')[0]"

-> Log:
(10)       update request {
(10)         EXPAND %explode(%{TLS-Client-Cert-Common-Name}, '.')[0]
(10)            --> 1xplode(, '.')[0]
(10)         &User-Name := 1xplode(, '.')[0]
(10)       } # update request = noop

Can someone helping me, getting one of both variants working? Im also not sure if i can use [0] in the variant 2.

many thanks and regards,

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