Updates to some dictionary files - infinera, transmode, coriant

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Sun May 5 17:09:40 UTC 2024

On Apr 30, 2024, at 4:13 PM, Chris Wopat <me at falz.net> wrote:
> We recently updated freeradius, and noticed that it came with a
> "dictionary.infinera".
> Generally we're looking to see if this project is interested in some
> updates to this file.

  We're always interested in dictionary updates.  It would be nice if vendors send those to us, but I think that's only happened 2-3 times.  :(

> We have 3 definition files we use for Inffinera, one is "actual
> infinera", one is "coriant" and one is "transmode".
> Posting here with hopes they get integrated into FreeRADIUS, as many
> of htem were barely documented things deep inside these vendor's docs.


> If it's kosher to put vendor acquisitions inside their current
> vendor's file, then adding them to "dictionary.infinera" is good. If
> not, I'd split off what is currently in the infinera dictionary to be
> transmode.

  Splitting them off is the pattern we use.

> file details below:

  I'll take a look.  But a GitHub PR would be nice, too.

  Alan DeKok.

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