Issues with LDAP failover (FreeRad 3.0.22)

James Potter Jim.Potter at
Mon May 13 11:22:05 UTC 2024

Hi Team,

I'm having issues getting LDAP group membership checking working with multiple LDAP servers. Here's my config:

ldap {
        server = "${ldap.2} ${ldap.1}"
#        server = "${ldap.1}"
        server = "${ldap.3}"
        server = "${ldap.4}"
        base_dn = 'DC=thing,DC=local'

        identity = ${eduroamLDAPAccount.username}
        password = ${eduroamLDAPAccount.password}

        user {
                base_dn = "${..base_dn}"
                scope = sub
                filter = "(&(objectclass=user)(sAMAccountName=%{Stripped-User-Name}))"

        group {
                base_dn = "${..base_dn}"
                filter = "(objectclass=group)"
                 membership_filter = "(member=%{control:Ldap-UserDn})"
                cacheable_name ='yes'
                cacheable_dn = 'no'
                cache_attribute = 'LDAP-Cached-Membership'

        options {
#               ldap_debug = 0x0028
                chase_referrals = yes
                rebind = yes

                res_timeout = 2
                srv_timelimit = 5
                net_timeout = 2

The issue - we have been having network wobbles + FreeRad crashes out if it can't talk to a LDAP server (we previously only had 1 LDAP server listed), so I'd like it to either round robin LDAP servers or fail over smoothly.
All ldap.X server variables are resolvable hostnames (final one is domain, so RR-s round all domain controllers)  and the servers work individually (/if I put them at the top of the list).

To emulate a network failure I'm using iptables -I INPUT -s <ldap.1 IP> -j DROP (also tried blocking output). With this in place I see netstat -np | grep 389 shows fleeting connections to other LDAP Servers:
Working/pre iptables:

  *   tcp        0     91        ESTABLISHED 285161/radiusd
blocked/iptables blocking only:

  *   tcp        0    109      ESTABLISHED 285161/radiusd
  *   tcp        0     99        FIN_WAIT1   -
  *   tcp        0    109       ESTABLISHED 285161/radiusd
  *   tcp        0    108      ESTABLISHED 285161/radiusd
  *   tcp        0      0        ESTABLISHED 285161/radiusd
(but auths fail/blocked, connections drop, freerad crashes moments later)

radiusd -X -C shows:
  ldap {
        server = "uks-adds-02.thing.local uks-adds-01.thing.local"
        identity = edu.check at thing.local<mailto:edu.check at thing.local>
        password = <<< secret >>>
   sasl {
(So only first server listed?)

Choice bits from log file:
At startup:
Mon May 13 11:59:50 2024 : Warning: - server = 'uks-adds-02.thing.local uks-adds-01.thing.local'
Mon May 13 11:59:50 2024 : Warning: + server = 'uks-adds-02.thing.local'
Mon May 13 11:59:50 2024 : Warning: + server = 'uks-adds-01.thing.local'
(one way or another it knows about multiple servers?)

At failure: Mon May 13 11:59:45 2024 :
Mon May 13 11:59:39 2024 : Error: (379) Ignoring duplicate packet from client bra-wlc-p01 port 63991 - ID: 15 due to unfinished request in component authenticate module eap_peap      (guess this is clients getting impatient?)
Error: rlm_ldap (ldap): Bind with edu.check at thing.local<mailto:edu.check at thing.local> to ldap://uks-adds-02.thing.local:389 ldap://uks-adds-01.thing.local:389 ldap://ukw-adds-01.thing.local:389 ldap://thing.local:389 ldap://uks-adds-01.thing.local:389 failed: Timed out while waiting for server to respond    (but I know it can talk to all but the first LDAP server)

Hope that explains it all adequately... Any ideas what I'm missing here?


Jim Potter

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