Issue with starting FreeRADIUS dhcp on Ubuntu 24.04

Nick Porter nick at
Mon May 27 13:08:31 UTC 2024

On 27/05/2024 13:55, Jan-Willem Curinckx via Freeradius-Users wrote:
> We're Trying to set up FreeRADIUS 3.2.2 as a DHCP server on Ubuntu 24.04, we've been having the same issue for a while now, where FreeRADIUS can't start the service because of an error.
> /etc/freeradius/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/mysql/queries.conf[23]: Failed parsing expanded string:
> /etc/freeradius/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/mysql/queries.conf[23]: ...FROM dhcpippool WHERE pool_name = '%{control:IP-Pool}' AND pool_key = '%{%{DHCP-Client-Ident...
> /etc/freeradius/mods-config/sql/ippool-dhcp/mysql/queries.conf[23]:                                         ^ Unknown attribute

The "out of the box" FreeRADIUS configuration has the pool name 
attribute referred to as ${pool_name} in the query files - which, at 
boot time will be expanded to the value of "pool_name" in the module 
configuration - which by default is Pool-Name.

Have you changed the queries or the module configuration?

Pool-Name is an attribute name defined in the FreeRAIDUS dictionaries - 
and therefore will work.  IP-Pool is not in the standard FreeRADIUS 
dictionaries, so if you wish to use that as the attribute name, you will 
need to define it in your local dictionary.

Nick Porter

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