logging auth failures with inner identity

Matthew Newton mcn at freeradius.org
Tue Nov 12 10:44:35 UTC 2024

On 12/11/2024 09:05, James Potter via Freeradius-Users wrote:
> I'm working on setting up FreeRad logging and I'm stuck on how to capture the EAP inner identity when an authentication fails.
>    *   I can capture auth requests coming in (in authorize section of outer site)
>    *   I can capture auth successes and failures (in outer site:post-auth)
>    *   I can capture successful auths in the EAP:TLS inner site
> But - when an EAP-TLS auth fails (eg on cert expired, not trusted, revoked) then it appears that the inner site is not called at all. I've put relevant log lines in TLS-inner:post-auth (and authenticate and authorize) but it appears that none of these are called. Any idea how I can access the inner username (in the case of TLS I'm after the SAN UPN of the client certificate) in a failed auth attempt?

You're right, the inner virtual server is not called for EAP-TLS, there 
is no inner tunnel.

There are examples of attributes you can log in the default post-auth 


You could also add "debug_all" to the outer post-auth and run the server 
in debug mode. You should see all attributes that are available.


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