Trouble with using virtual server tacacs'login

黄立成 2071264258 at
Thu Nov 28 09:55:46 UTC 2024

Hi,I used freeradius-server-4.0~alpha1 to use the tacacs virtual server,  but I encountered some problems when I used the ppp authencation. 
Here are the debug info : 
(33)    User-Name = "66" 
(33)    Client-Port = "va100-0" 
(33)    User-Password = "666" 
(33)    tacacs - Running 'authenticate PAP' from file  /usr/local/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/tacacs 
(33)    tacacs - authenticate PAP { 
(33)    pap -   Login attempt with password 
(33)    pap -   ERROR: No "known good" password found for user 
I searched such problem and most of them say it is due to not setting  the users file.(but I actually did it!) 
My configure steps are as followed: 
1) A brand-new config dictionary. 
2) CP tacacs from site-available to site -enable,while setting the secret. 
3) Delete default in sites-enable. 
4) Some modification to inner-tunnel ,I did not use that ,just to run  the radius. 
5) Add client in clients.conf(I think I need not do that but it does not  matter). 
6) Add      66         Password.Cleartext := "666"     in the users file. 
I think maybe I should do step(6) in other places? But i did not find  any doc,problem, or example show how to do it . 
Actually, I tried every method like pap ,chap ,mschap and got the same  result. 
Thanks a lot for your help!!! 

2071264258 at


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