Correct way to deal with an 'incorrect' dictionary shipped by default

Coy Hile (BLOOMBERG/ 919 3RD A) chile1 at
Thu Feb 20 12:51:03 UTC 2025


Recently (well, in the last year and a half or so) we got bit by FreeRADIUS shipping a 'dictinary.infinera' that's incorrect. Looking at the file, we see it's for vendor ID 8708 which according to IANA is  "Lumentis AB".

The actual Infinera dictionary (as given to our network team by the vendor) contains this data by contrast:

# -*- text -*-
# Dictiionary for Infinera

VENDOR                     Infinera                        21296

BEGIN-VENDOR Infinera                        

ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-Priv-SA                           1               integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-Priv-NA                           2               integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-Priv-NE                           3               integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-Priv-PR                           4               integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-Priv-TT                           5               integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-Priv-MA                           6               integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-Priv-RA                           7               integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-Priv-EA                           8               integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-SessionTimeout            17              integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-LockedOut                         18              integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-CanUseResSession          19              integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-MgtType-EMS                       33              integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-MgtType-GNM                       34              integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-MgtType-TL1                       35              integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-MgtType-CLI                       36              integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-User-MgtType-NETCONF           37              integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-Rsvd-Str-Attribute1            240             string
ATTRIBUTE          Infinera-Rsvd-Str-Attribute2            241             string
ATTRIBUTE          Infinera-Rsvd-Int-Attribute1            249             integer
ATTRIBUTE         Infinera-Rsvd-Int-Attribute2            250             integer

VALUE                      Infinera-User-Priv-NE           NE-NONPRIVILEGED                0
VALUE                   Infinera-User-Priv-NE           NE-PRIVILEGED                   1
VALUE                   Infinera-User-Priv-PR           PR-NONPRIVILEGED                0
VALUE                   Infinera-User-Priv-PR           PR-PRIVILEGED                   1
VALUE                   Infinera-User-Priv-TT           TT-NONPRIVILEGED                0
VALUE                   Infinera-User-Priv-TT           TT-PRIVILEGED                   1
VALUE                   Infinera-User-Priv-MA           MA-NONPRIVILEGED                0
VALUE                   Infinera-User-Priv-MA           MA-PRIVILEGED                   1       
VALUE                    Infinera-User-Priv-RA           RA-NONPRIVILEGED                0
VALUE                   Infinera-User-Priv-RA           RA-PRIVILEGED                   1
VALUE                   Infinera-User-Priv-EA           EA-NONPRIVILEGED                0
VALUE                   Infinera-User-Priv-EA           EA-PRIVILEGED                   1
VALUE                   Infinera-User-CanUseResSession          CANNOT-USE-RES-SESSION          0
VALUE                   Infinera-User-CanUseResSession          CAN-USE-RES-SESSION             1
VALUE                   Infinera-User-MgmtType-EMS              MGMTTYPE-EMS-DISALLOWED         0
VALUE                   Infinera-User-MgmtType-EMS              MGMTTYPE-EMS-ALLOWED            1
VALUE                   Infinera-User-MgmtType-GNM              MGMTTYPE-GNM-DISALLOWED         0
VALUE                   Infinera-User-MgmtType-GNM              MGMTTYPE-GNM-ALLOWED            1
VALUE                   Infinera-User-MgmtType-TL1              MGMTTYPE-TL1-DISALLOWED         0
VALUE                   Infinera-User-MgmtType-TL1              MGMTTYPE-TL1-ALLOWED            1
VALUE                   Infinera-User-MgmtType-CLI              MGMTTYPE-CLI-DISALLOWED         0
VALUE                   Infinera-User-MgmtType-CLI              MGMTTYPE-CLI-ALLOWED            1
VALUE                   Infinera-User-MgmtType-NETCONF          MGMTTYPE-NETCONF-DISALLOWED             0
VALUE                   Infinera-User-MgmtType-NETCONF          MGMTTYPE-NETCONF-ALLOWED                1

END-VENDOR               Infinera

That vendor ID according to IANA is actually "Infinera". I've managed to work-around this by putting a hack in our RADIUS dictionary installation workflow to  remove the shipped dictionary.infinera file from the shipped dictionary file, but that seems like a hack at bes. It means that someone from my team has to remember to run that workflow every time a box gets touched by patching automation since an updated FreeRADIUS RPM showing up from RedHat--or soon from your official packages--will overwrite our working copy.

Is there a better way we should handle this?


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