Attributes Limits in Radius for SQL Queries

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Jan 29 17:02:08 UTC 2025

On Jan 28, 2025, at 12:03 PM, Ahmed Chohan <ahmedmunir007 at> wrote:
> I would like to know if there is a way to increase attribute size in radius
> as I'm getting an error when adding vendor attributes under
> mysq/queries.conf with message: "... is too long. Errors reading or parsing
> /etc/raddb/radiusd.conf"

  You'll have to edit the source code to increase the size of the various internal buffers.  They're either 1K or 8K long, depending on where they are in the server.  And there's more than one, because different parts of the server have different buffers for their work.

> Currently under queries.conf, there are 146 vendor-specific attributes I've
> added for accounting purposes but if I go over 146 vendor-specific
> attributes, getting the message as shared above.

  I'm not sure why it's useful to save 146 VSAs in SQL.  That seems excessive.

  i.e. no one else is running into this issue, which means that no one else is trying to write that many attributes to SQL.

  Why is this needed?  Is there not another solution which can be used?

   I can't recall seeing many RADIUS packets which contain 146 VSAs.

> Furthermore, I even increased the max_attribute parameter from 200 to 0
> (no limit) for testing purposes, but I still got this error.

  That limit is documented as being for RADIUS packets, not for SQL queries.

  Alan DeKok.

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