LDAP-defined huntrgroups: docs, pointers, anything?

Jostein Fossheim jfossheim at skyfritt.net
Wed Mar 5 12:01:46 UTC 2025

Hello all

We are working on a setup with freeradius using freeipa's ldap-server as 
a backend for freeradius.

I have successufully expanded det LDAP-schema with radius-attributes, etc.

Users, usergroups and clients (IPs and secrets) can be defined via ldap. 
I am hoping to be able to define huntgroups as well, but I have not 
found any detailed information on how to procceed. There is this howto 
for SQL-based backends, and random searches and LLM-queries don't get me 
any further:


I am not certain if this really is a question for the user list or the 
devel list, but I can try both.

More details:
I was hoping to use a standard memberOf in my client-definition.


dn: fqdn=[NAS-NAME].[base_domain],cn=computers,cn=accounts,[base_dn]
objectClass: ieee802Device
objectClass: ipaHost
objectClass: ipaObject
objectClass: ipaService
objectClass: ipaSshGroupOfPubKeys
objectClass: ipaSshHost
objectClass: krbPrincipal
objectClass: krbPrincipalAux
objectClass: nsHost
objectClass: pkiUser
objectClass: radiusClient
objectClass: radiusProfile
objectClass: top
cn: [FQDN]
fqdn: [FQDN]
memberOf: cn=radius_huntgroup,cn=hostgroups,cn=accounts,[base_dn]
radiusClientSecret: Testing321
serverHostName: [NAS-NAME]


dn: cn=radius_huntgroup,cn=hostgroups,cn=accounts,[base_dn]
objectClass: groupOfNames
objectClass: ipahostgroup
objectClass: ipaobject
objectClass: mepOriginEntry
objectClass: nestedGroup
objectClass: top
cn: radius_huntgroup
member: fqdn=[NAS-NAME].[base_domain],cn=computers,cn=accounts,[base_dn]

So basically I want one huntgroup entry, for every group defined inn:

With NASes defined in:

And their relevant IP addresses:

There are some very old posts, in the mailinglist discussing similar 
topics, but I am not found anything usefull there neither.

Best Regards

Jostein Fossheim

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