LDAP-defined huntrgroups: docs, pointers, anything?

Jostein Fossheim jfossheim at skyfritt.net
Wed Mar 5 13:19:52 UTC 2025

On 2025-03-05 13:07, Alan DeKok wrote:
>> There is this howto for SQL-based backends, and random searches and LLM-queries don't get me any further:
>> https://wiki.freeradius.org/guide/SQL-Huntgroup-HOWTO
>> I am not certain if this really is a question for the user list or the devel list, but I can try both.
>    For doing huntgroup-style configuration in LDAP, you will need to define the LDAP schema and queries yourself.  Then, write them in unlang policies.
>    And please submit the results back.  We can include them in future releases.
>    Alan DeKok.

So what you are saying is that I can do ldap-queries directly in unlang, 
this the best refference/doc I have: 
Do you (or anyone) know of any examples that I can use, to master those 
queries quicker? I find some vague hints in the ldap-module section: 
I assume that I can follow the same logic as in the SQL-howto from my 
original post (above)?

- Locate the |authorize { }| section in your radiusd.conf or 
sites-enabled/defaut configuration.
- After the preprocess module insert the following update request { 
Huntgroup-Name := "%{sql:SELECT |groupname| FROM |radhuntgroup| WHERE 
nasipaddress='%{NAS-IP-Address}'}" }

And the basic logic of my query should be:

1. Query for all huntgroups in the tree containing hostgroups:


2. Do a second query for each member defined in the group (freeipa uses 
both member and memberOf), to check if any of the members (hosts/NASes) 
have radiusClientIPAddress= %{NAS-IP-Address} defined, if yes, the 
connecting NAS is a member of one or more huntrgroups?

I will report back if I am sucessfull.

We also did some work so that we could import the radius-schema directly 
into freeIPA, if this would be interesting for anyone, we could share 
the results as well.


Jostein Fossheim

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