How can i change Configure file.

Joe Maimon jmaimon at
Mon Dec 5 15:18:39 CET 2005

Nicolas Baradakis wrote:

> Manojkumar Patel wrote:
>>My Config.ini file is like:
>> --no-create
>>  --sysconfdir=/home/manoj/RadiusServer
>>  --with-logdir=/home/manoj/RadisuServer
>>When I w run config file like
>>     ./configure < Config.ini
>>But radius server was configured as default setting. But I want to
>>change default setting.
>>I want to pass all parameter in one file instead of Command line
>>argument. How can I do that requirements ?
> You could try this command line:
> $ xargs ./configure < Config.ini
> And please turn HTML off when posting to a mailing list.
And the reason you would do that is because configure scripts do not 
read stdin, they expect their parameters to be passed to them as command 
line arguments.

And wouldnt xargs do it once per arg?

You might as well simply make a shell script that looks like this.


And consider that running a radius server from your home directory is 
only usefull or good practice for testing/debugging purposes.

For anything else, use the system standard locations and utilize 
/usr/local or /opt

And your spelling/capitalization of RadiusServer is going to cause you 
nothing but trouble.

Make it simple and call it radius.

Or call it raddb

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