sql segmentaiton fault

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Wed Aug 16 18:45:11 CEST 2006

YvesDM <ydmlog at gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't get it? What should i read?

  The original radiusd.conf.

> That snippet in my prior mail came from radiusd.conf from the existing
> (active) server

  Yes, go read that again.  It's defining those extra modules.  Those
modules aren't defined in the default configuration.  They are local
to your site.  I don't know how else to explain that.

> In the (almost unmodified) radiusd.conf  from the testradius that same
> snippet looks like this:

  Yes, which is the default config.  I don't understand why you think
it's necessary to post the default config to the list.  I wrote much
of it, and am quite familiar with it.

  Go read the configuration files on the active server.  Stop arguing.

  Alan DeKok.
  http://deployingradius.com       - The web site of the book
  http://deployingradius.com/blog/ - The blog

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