dialup_admin blank pages

rabbtux rabbtux rabbtux at gmail.com
Thu May 4 04:20:58 CEST 2006

Not to sound like a nubie, but I spent the day researching & working
on this issue.

My dialup_admin package has the standard "blank pages", and does not
report errors.  I've checked apache,mysql, and freeradius log files. 
I configured dialup_admin to use mysql database and all.

First I did a debian install of freeradius and freeradius-dialupadmin
packages.  All the apache and php dependencies were met, as I
installed & used phpmyadmin.

Later I wiped out the binaries and did a fresh source build and
install.  I have the mysql -> freeradius working, as I can manually
put user/password in the proper mysql table, and then use radtest to
successfully test the entry.  Help!

I have the basic functionality of mysql->freeradius, just not the GUI
for others to use :-(
Thanks in advance - marshall

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