Quick HOWTO : Ch31 : Centralized Logins Using LDAP and RADIUS - Fails on Fedora 6 + debug info

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Wed Apr 18 07:10:08 CEST 2007

Jacob Jarick wrote:
> "ldapadd -d9 -x -D "cn=Manager,dc=tfxschool,dc=internal" -W -f
> /etc/openldap/tfxschool.internal.ldif" -> http://pastebin.ca/445899
> It seems to be similar if not the same problem I am having with FR
> refusing to auth via ldap to our ADS server. I am stuck though I have
> no idea how to resolve this error and unfortunately the howto assumes
> it just works.
> Google suggests that it may be the result of my domain string
> dc=tfxschool,dc=interternal,  which looks correct to me. Our test
> domain is tfxschool.internal . any help / suggestions/ insight would
> be greatly appreciated.

  This is really an LDAP question.  If you can't use LDAP tools to login
to the LDAP server, you won't be able to use the same configuration in

  Unfortunately, I don't use LDAP, so I can't help you here.  The few
times I have used it, I follow the O'Reilly LDAP book, and it works for me.

  Alan DeKok.
  http://deployingradius.com       - The web site of the book
  http://deployingradius.com/blog/ - The blog

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