SQL IP Pool maximum timeout.

Hugh Messenger hugh at alaweb.com
Mon Jul 9 19:42:57 CEST 2007

On Behalf Of Dave said:
> Yes accounting is working well from the NAS

Are you sure the NAS is sending 'interim update' accounting packets, not
just start/stop?

Here's my understanding of how it works (I'm sure Peter will correct me if
I'm wrong!):

On an access request, sqlippool will first check to see if this looks like a
'lost stop' case (allocate-clear) by checking to see if there are any
assigned IP's in the pool with the same 'pool-key' (NAS-Port in a dialup
context) as the request.  If so, free up that IP.

Then it looks for an IP to assign (allocate-find), by checking for a free or
expired IP in the pool, allocates it (allocate-update) and sets the
expiry_time to "now + lease-duration".

On an accounting 'stop', it frees up the IP (stop-clear).

On an accounting 'update', it extends the expiry_time by 'lease-duration'
seconds (alive-update).

There's a little more to it than that (like accounting on/off), but that's
the basic life cycle of an IP assignment.

So ... if your NAS isn't sending accounting updates, then it will start
re-assigning IP's after the initial expiry_time (lease-duration).  If your
NAS doesn't implement accounting updates, you may have to set session
timeouts to less than your lease-duration.

   -- hugh

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