To check Simultaneous against 2 NASes

tnt at tnt at
Tue Jun 12 23:21:22 CEST 2007

>Checked in sql.conf, there are 2 queries for Simultaneous: "simul_count_query" and "simul_verify_query".  Are they both needed to get Simultaneous working?

No. If you set your nastype to "other" in clents.conf verify query
won't be used.

>A question would be more about "simul_verify_query". Is it used for Simultaneous as well?

Yes, if you specify nastype other than "other" (oh, dear; I am sure
this can be put better). Then that query will get parameters for
checkrad to query NAS about the existance of that session.

>I therefore don't need to change anything in here, do I?

No, you don't. It will all work fine with two clents as well.

>The problem is we have 2 NASes.  How can I check if a user is connected (or not connected) on NAS1 and NAS2?

simul_count_query will get all open sessions. simul_verify_query will get
to what NAS and port those sessions are bound to. checkrad will then
query appropriate NAS for each session to check if it is still open.

It will all work fine - as long as checkrad script works for you. There
might be trouble with Cisco clients as the OID in checkrad is a bit

Ivan Kalik
Kalik Informatika ISP

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