logging trouble

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Wed Mar 28 18:28:12 CEST 2007

Brad Lachel wrote:
> I am trying to create a log that tell me who attempted to login,  
> when, where and what the result was.  I have uncommented the auth_log  
> line and the reply_log line as well as the detail auth_log and detail  
> reply_log sections.  When I start up radius, it appears that both the  
> auth_log and reply log are activated as they both appear correctly in  
> the instantiated section of the startup process.  When an attempt is  
> made to login, the authentication is logged, but the reply is not.   
> What am I missing?

  Run it in debug mode, and see if it calls the "reply_log" module.

> I will admit that I am not real comfortable in deciphering the how- 
> to's and config files associated with freeradius, but I think that I  
> have done what I need to in order to get what I am looking for.

  The documentation is clear... sometimes.  That's why I'm writing the
book.  I don't think the book will cover everything, but maybe the
second edition will do that. :)

> freeradius is being used to authenticate users to wireless access  
> points, the ideal log would look something like this:
> MAC	time		WAP IP		result

  In the CVS head (what will be 2.0), you can easily create that format
with the "line_log" module.  In 1.1.5, it's problematic..

  The good news is that I've made major progress today, which shortens
the 2.0 time frame.

  Alan DeKok.
  http://deployingradius.com       - The web site of the book
  http://deployingradius.com/blog/ - The blog

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