Building & Installing on Red Hat Systems (Was: Make error - Solved)

J Santos jsantos5954 at
Tue Dec 2 06:49:47 CET 2008

Thank you Dennis,

It is a very, very useful document.

Checking both distros RHEL and CentOS there are only old packages available
(version 1.1.3) and only i386. 

I have a rpm already built but  it is not properly working. 

Based on what you described in the doc I better install the old version and

 yum upgrade freeradius
Loading "fastestmirror" plugin
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base:
 * updates:
 * addons:
 * extras:
Setting up Upgrade Process
Could not find update match for freeradius
No Packages marked for Update

As you can see there is no update available.

So I am in the worst situation and have no choice other that rpmbuild. I am
on CentOS 64 and I need Mysql.

The link you have provided in the doc is for fedora only.

Could you please inform from where I can get the spec file for CentOS 64
with MySql ?


Jair Santos



> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> at lists.freeradiu
> [ at lists.f
>] On Behalf Of John Dennis
> Sent: Monday, December 01, 2008 3:56 PM
> To: FreeRadius users mailing list
> Subject: Building & Installing on Red Hat Systems (Was: Make 
> error - Solved)
> There has been a fair amount of confusion over how to get FreeRADIUS 
> packages for Fedora, RHEL, and CentOS, how to perform a build if a 
> pre-built package is not available, and how to do some basic 
> maintenance 
> tasks.
> So I've created a new FreeRADIUS wiki page with Red Hat specific 
> information:
> If you discover the information is incomplete or in error 
> please let me 
> know and I'll update it.
> I will reiterate what has been expressed in several recent 
> threads, if 
> you need to build and/or install FreeRADIUS for Fedora, RHEL, 
> or CentOS 
> your pain threshold will be greatly diminished if you use RPM's 
> developed and distributed for Red Hat systems rather than trying to 
> build from the raw source tarball. The reasons and procedures are 
> hopefully sufficiently well explained in the FAQ (if not let 
> me know and 
> I'll fix it).
> -- 
> John Dennis <jdennis at>
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See 

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