Looking for client configurations for dynamic client

Fabián Omar Franzotti fofware at gmail.com
Tue Apr 28 23:49:25 CEST 2009

Hi guys
I'm running Debian lenny... in production server I have installed freeradius 1.x and in client.conf i have seted
client {
    secret = mySecret
    shortname = everyone

In Debian lenny is available freeradius 2.0.4 in this version that setting for client is not available.
Some time ago Alan told me that use 2.0.5 version to this settings, I did try to build a .pkg to install in my server but never can 
done it, because i did have some errors and my knowledge are not enought.
Well I want to know if some one can tell me how i can have clients that don't have static IP's if I don't allow access to every 
world, because nas database is loaded only at startup time.
I think i can use dynDNS or something like that, so I can declare the host.name and not IP address, but I want to know if exists 
some way to handle this case. Ah the clientes can be added by it self with a register page.
Any Idea?

Thanks guys...
Fabián Omar Franzotti
Resistencia - Chaco - Argentina
Tel Arg.: 54-(372)-243-8710 /  54-(372)-257-0347
USA Phone: 1-(321)-284-3865 

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