ippools and Pool-Name

up at 3.am up at 3.am
Wed Jun 3 17:43:47 CEST 2009

Replying to myself....erm, never mind...I must have a fairly old 
raddb/radiusd.conf...I found this by googling:

> db_dir = $(raddbdir)   <<==
> It should be:
> db_dir = ${raddbdir}   (brackets are wrong)

On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, up at 3.am wrote:

> On Wed, 3 Jun 2009, Alan DeKok wrote:
>>  Because you don't have the GDBM libraries or header files.
> Ok, I installed those, and while I was at it, installed the latest radiusd. 
> The first error I got involved the "experimental" 
> raddb/sites-available/control-socket which was included in the old
> radiusd.conf: $INCLUDE sites-enabled/.  I moved the file and radiusd started 
> and worked as it did before.
> However, when I uncomment my ippool statement, I now get this:
> Module: Linked to module rlm_ippool
> Module: Instantiating users_pool
>  ippool users_pool {
> 	session-db = "$(raddbdir)/db.ippool"
> 	ip-index = "$(raddbdir)/db.ipindex"
> 	key = "%{NAS-IP-Address} %{NAS-Port}"
> 	range-start =
> 	range-stop =
> 	netmask =
> 	cache-size = 251
> 	override = yes
> 	maximum-timeout = 0
>  }
> rlm_ippool: Failed to open file $(raddbdir)/db.ippool: No such file or 
> directory
> /usr/etc/raddb/radiusd.conf[1824]: Instantiation failed for module 
> "users_pool"
> /usr/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default[337]: Failed to find module 
> "users_pool".
> /usr/etc/raddb/sites-enabled/default[314]: Errors parsing accounting section.
> Errors initializing modules
> -----
> If I understand correctly, if I am running radiusd as root, shouldn't it 
> simply create the db. files itself when started?  I tried a "touch 
> raddb/db.ippool" but it changed nothing.
> Again, thanks for your patience...
> James Smallacombe		      PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
> up at 3.am							    http://3.am
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James Smallacombe		      PlantageNet, Inc. CEO and Janitor
up at 3.am							    http://3.am

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