Simultaneous-Use For Group Using Unlang

Fajar A. Nugraha list at
Thu Nov 10 04:22:15 CET 2011

On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 9:27 AM, Det Det <det.explorer at> wrote:
> Hi,
> Where do I put this piece of code? Can I do this invocation in the authorize
> block? Or is it something I put in the radiusd.conf?

man unlang

Requests are processed through virtual servers (including the default
one), in the  sections  titled
       "authorize", "authenticate", "post-auth", "preacct",
"accounting", "pre-proxy", "post-proxy", and "session".

> And where do I put the
> custom procedure itself? Is it in /etc/freeradius/modules?

Alan is using an example where you have an sql procedure. If you don't
know what an sql procedure is, then you need to learn what that is
(which can be a steep learning curve).

The main point is if your exec-program-wait simply do ONE sql query,
then you can easily replace it using sql expansion. Use it to replace
your exec-program-wait (usually in authorize).

If your program currently uses some complex sql queries, then you need
to find some way to group them together so they can be invoked as one
query. One way to do that is using stored procedure. A documentation
for MySQL is here: .
Since this is not freeradius-specific issue, if you need more info
about stored procedure you should ask in their respective list/forum.


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