FreeRadius Losing packets in Multi-Threads mode

Alexandre Chapellon a.chapellon at
Wed Oct 26 10:41:11 CEST 2011

Did the very same test here, with very same results.
I find this a little bit scary to imagine that some accounting packets 
are lost (meaning I have no "proof" the requests was answered and how.


Le 26/10/2011 10:21, Pierre Rondou a écrit :
> Hello,
> On Tue, 25 Oct 2011 21:09:31 +0100, Alan Buxey<A.L.M.Buxey at>
>> however, as Alan said. in single thread mode, you only have one process
>> dealing with
>> one single open connection to SQL, one single sesion to
>> LDAP etc etc
>> (whatever you use) - eg even a local file with PERL.
>> with multithread mode, you have many threads - all of which can be
> hitting
>> your SQL or LDAP
>> at same time...or trying to write to the same file in a PERL
>> you have to look
>> at the speed/ability of your backend....the jump from a single query ata
>> time to concurrent
>> queries may have tipped your balance
>> alan
>> -
>> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See
> Here is what I had thought about: FreeRadius correctly treats the requests
> (answer are always received), but there is a locking problem with the log
> files, meaning that basically, only one thread can write inside.
> Is there any solution about that? As stated before, there is no
> overloading problem on the server.
> Running in single thread could be a solution, but it's really slow
> compared to multi-thread ...
> Regards,
> Pierre
> -
> List info/subscribe/unsubscribe? See


Alexandre Chapellon

Ingénierie des systèmes open sources et réseaux.
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