3.0.6: all good :-)

Anil Thapa anilth at hi.is
Tue Dec 30 13:14:23 CET 2014

good to hear,

I am having some problem with proxy in version 3.0.4 ( which comes in 
freebsd port)

basically I am just checking realm if this is not mine then send it to 
upstream radius server.

I always get :

Mon Jan 21 15:29:56 2013 : Debug: Waking up in 4.0 seconds.
Mon Jan 21 15:30:00 2013 : Info: Cleaning up request 228 ID 46 with
timestamp +1976
Mon Jan 21 15:30:00 2013 : Proxy: Marking home server
port 1812 as zombie (it looks like it is dead).

and I know server is not dead it is doing local auth normally. is there a difference in proxy.conf in version 3 ?

Mine version 2 works well.

any input in this will be appericiated


On 12/30/2014 09:38 AM, Stefan Winter wrote:
> Hello,
> just a little heads up to the team: I'm now running the shipped 3.0.6
> for all my clients and all vservers - previously I was sitting between
> chairs with my old 2.x installation because some small things just
> weren't working quite so well on 3.0.x in my somewhat sophisticated (or,
> as Alan put it, "weird") config.
> Now with 3.0.6 the server runs as well as it did in 2.x times with all
> those strange corner-case configs. And I can finally decommission the
> old server :-)
> Thanks for bearing with me during my feature/bug nagging in the last months!
> Greetings,
> Stefan Winter
> -
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