Preserve ldap attributes after proxy

Tamás Becz tamas.becz at
Sun Nov 9 11:58:05 CET 2014


> > Now with a new solution I also need to query a central ldap database
> > for authorization info: I need to get a given attribute off of user
> > records and present them to the NAS. I was pointing my finger at
> > Filter-Id, but purely because the NAS docs points at it, it could really
> anything.
>   You probably don't want to use Filter-ID.  It has a pre-defined meaning.
> Using it for another purpose is bad.
Yes I got that, but the NAS (which is mainly a VPN concentrator) actually
uses the value for assigning firewall rules to the user's session which is
precisely what Filter-Id is for if I understand the rfc correctly. Due to
the complexity of the nas, it also does other stuff based on this, but
filter-id really is the closest in rfc 3850 (Probably this is why they are
also pointing at this). However, I will check how hard it is extend with a
vendor-specific instead. 

> > However, when I then proxy the request these extra Filter-Ids are
> > lost: they are neither proxied (which is just as well, I really don't
> > know what would the homeserver do about it) nor are they sent in my
> > reply. I've found traces of something like this being discussed that
> > this is because there is a separate data structure, but that is over a
> > decade old, and I'm a bit confused on how this supposed to work.
>   What you're *not* saying is that you're putting the Filter-ID into the
> list.  That gets replaced by the reply from the home server.
>   If you want the attributes kept... put them in another list.

Actually I did ;) But for sure it's only because rlm_ldap either does that
or onto the check list, thanks for the clarification.

> > Is there a way to keep does attributes (or to get them after proxying,
> > either in post-proxy or post-auth maybe?) by using rlm_ldap?
>   No.  Put the attributes into the "control" list.  That's what it's for.
Then, copy
> them to the reply in post-auth.

Currently I can't test, but do I understand correctly that rlm_ldap can't
put things on the control list, but I could use unlang to copy the
attributes from reply to control in authorize after ldap, then copy them
back in post-auth?


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