[SOLVED] LDAP - bind as user - howto?

Matej Žerovnik matej at zunaj.si
Fri Oct 17 20:02:15 CEST 2014

On 17.10.2014 11:54, Stefan Paetow wrote:
> On 17 Oct 2014, at 06:43, Matej Zerovnik <matej at zunaj.si> wrote:
>> I saw that thread and read it, but unfortunately, I dont have/can't get credetials to search LDAP. I will try and ask them again, but I think they won't give it to me. Currently, my solution works, but 'ou' is hardcoded. This is ok for now, but in the future I would like to expand that...
> Well, that complicates matters, doesn't it?
Yea, it does a bit:) But we found a solution, since I can login as 
UserDN PersonName=test.username,dc=example,dc=com as well...

>> So I disabled preprocess modul and added the following into authorize section:
>> if (User-Password) {
>>   update control {
>>     Auth-Type := ldap
>>     Ldap-UserDN := "uid=%{User-Name},ou=test,dc=example,dc=com", Auth-Type := LDAP
>>   }
>> }
> The comma and the Auth-Type won't work, no. What happens when you delete those from that line?
Strangley it worked with comma there. I deleted ', Auth-Type := LDAP' 
and it still works. Anyway, it works and that's enough for me:)

Thanks all for help.

Matej Zerovnik

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