why is Called-Station-SSID not processed?

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Tue Aug 4 21:48:56 CEST 2015

On Aug 4, 2015, at 8:15 PM, Zeus Panchenko <zeus at ibs.dn.ua> wrote:

> Alan DeKok <aland at deployingradius.com> wrote:
>> On Aug 4, 2015, at 2:05 PM, Zeus Panchenko <zeus at ibs.dn.ua> wrote:
>>> I hoped if I set radiusCheckItem: Called-Station-SSID := 'SSID_ALLOWED'
>>  See the wiki for the meaning of the operators.  ":=" is an assignment operator.  It doesn't do comparisons.
> yes, understood ... it has to be `==' 
>>  And just doing a comparison is not enough, either.  What do you want it to *do* when the comparison matches?
> I want it to be part of the condition for access allowing
> if Called-Station-SSID configured in LDAP matches the one processed from
> Called-Station-Id, then access is to be allowed, otherwise not

  So... set it to reject the user if the Calling-Station-Id doesn't match.

>> You have to write that down, too.
> what is the right place to do that? 
> It was working for me when I did it in v.2.x users file this way:
> ---[ quotation start ]-------------------------------------------
> DEFAULT Ldap-Group == "wifi-xyz", Called-Station-SSID == "SSID_ALLOWED", User-Profile := "cn=wifi-xyz,ou=profiles,ou=RADIUS,dc=xyz"
>        Reply-Message := "%{User-Name}, SSID: %{Called-Station-SSID} access was permited to you.",
>        Fall-Through = no
> ---[ quotation end   ]-------------------------------------------
> but how to do that now via LDAP?

  I'm not sure.  You can use that exact configuration in v3, so why not try that?

  Alan DeKok.

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