Migrating freeradius install

Alan Buxey alan.buxey at gmail.com
Mon Apr 17 23:30:46 CEST 2017

why move from the SQL solution - very portable..especially if it doesnt
move server when you spin up new RADIUS systems ;-)

to call another users file...well, you could $INCLUDE it but the best way
is to define another user file module, enable that (in FreeRADIUS 3.x
that means link from mods-available to mods-enabled  and then call that new
users file in your relevant virtual server eg

eg, for FreeRADIUS 3, new file

localusers (in mods-available, link to mods-enabled)

files localusers {

# Search for files in a subdirectory of mods-config which

# matches this instance of the files module.

moddir = ${modconfdir}/${.:instance}

# The default key attribute to use for matches.  The content

# of this attribute is used to match the "name" of the

# entry.

#key = "%{%{Stripped-User-Name}:-%{User-Name}}"

#  The old "users" style file is now located here.

filename = ${moddir}/localusers

#  This is accepted for backwards compatibility

#  It will be removed in a future release.

# usersfile = ${moddir}/localusers

#  These are accepted for backwards compatibility.

#  They will be renamed in a future release.

acctusersfile = ${moddir}/accounting

preproxy_usersfile = ${moddir}/pre-proxy


then, just call 'localusers' in the virtual server where 'files' is called.


On 17 April 2017 at 22:17, Dagan McGregor <list at sudo.nz> wrote:

> Hello,
> I have been tasked to move a freeradius install from an old RHEL server
> onto CentOS 7. In the process I am looking to move the data out of a mysql
> database (used for dialadmin) to using static files.
> We are trying to keep the new configuration changes as minimal as possible
> for maintenance reasons. And the virtual server files look like what we
> need.
> Our site is only maintaining a small number of users with static IP
> addresses.
> A few questions...
> Can I pull in an external user file with an 'include' statement in a
> virtual server file? Via a User section?
> If so, if I put the server file into 'sites-enabled', do I also put the
> custom users file there, or should it be somewhere else?
> Cheers,
> Dagan McGregor
> -
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