length of data greater than 253

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Thu Mar 27 09:25:18 CET 2008

Cristian Novac wrote:
> I think this solution may work for me too(splitting the attribute);
> could you tell me how have you done this?because implicitly freeradius
> doesn't do the split;

  It doesn't do that because there's no standard way to do it.

  If you want to have longer attributes, you need to modify *both* the
client and the server.  In most cases, you can't modify the client (e.g.
commercial equipment), so modifying the server is a waste of time.

  There *is* a standard being worked on which may allow longer
attributes.  Once it is standardized, then clients and servers will
support it.

  Until then, don't waste your time trying to create longer attributes.

  Alan DeKok.

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