One more change for v3 I think

Alan DeKok aland at
Wed Feb 25 15:39:43 CET 2015

On Feb 25, 2015, at 5:35 AM, Alister Winfield <alister at> wrote:
> I assume responsive includes not producing errors or null-responses (bad memory of testing a web service for performance and not spotting it had started to produce 50x replies at an wonderful rate). Okay I understand how hard this is to include in the re-use metric but always worth thinking about if its possible.

  *Query* failures are different from *connection* failures.  If the query fails, that’s OK.  The data might not exist in SQL.  Both the connection and the database are OK.

  If the connection fails, then the connection might be bad.  It’s best to close the bad connection, and re-open it.

  When a connection is “not responsive”, it falls into neither category. :(  The SQL query returns something (eventually), the connection is still active… but not necessarily OK.  There may be network effects which cause the connection to be unresponsive.  It’s best to keep that connection open, because it *is* working.  But it’s also best to avoid using it if at all possible.

  If it’s left unused for a while, it will be closed due to the idle timeout, and a new connection will open.  The hope is that new connection doesn’t suffer from the same problems as the unresponsive one.

  Alan DeKok.

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