Periodic Data Usage Reporting

Terry Burton tez at
Mon Apr 11 00:36:26 UTC 2022

On Thu, 7 Apr 2022 at 16:44, Max James <xxedlxx101 at> wrote:
> > Yes, it sets the total usage time for all closed sessions, and adds in
> the time for the current session.
>   If a session ends, upon the script's next execution it includes all the
> data consumed throughout the lifetime of that session. The expected result
> is for only the data consumed since the last script's execution should be
> inserted into the "data_usage_by_period" table.

Please demonstrate the problem rather than leave it to others to
attempt to reproduce it.

The fr_new_data_usage_period() SP appears to be behaving correctly...

--  New session for "a"
INSERT INTO radacct (acctsessionid, acctuniqueid, nasipaddress,
username, acctinputoctets, acctoutputoctets, acctstarttime) VALUES
('1', '1', '', 'a', 100, 0, NOW());
SELECT fr_new_data_usage_period();
SELECT * from data_usage_by_period ORDER BY username, period_start;

--  username |      period_start      |       period_end       |
acctinputoctets | acctoutputoctets
-- ----------+------------------------+------------------------+-----------------+------------------
--  a        | 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 2022-04-11 00:05:46+00 |
      100 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 |                        |
     -100 |                0

select pg_sleep(1);

--  More data for "a"
--  New session for "b"
UPDATE radacct SET acctinputoctets = 150 WHERE acctuniqueid = '1';
INSERT INTO radacct (acctsessionid, acctuniqueid, nasipaddress,
username, acctinputoctets, acctoutputoctets, acctstarttime) VALUES
('2', '2', '', 'b', 1000, 0, NOW());
SELECT fr_new_data_usage_period();
SELECT * FROM data_usage_by_period ORDER BY username, period_start;

--  username |      period_start      |       period_end       |
acctinputoctets | acctoutputoctets
-- ----------+------------------------+------------------------+-----------------+------------------
--  a        | 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 2022-04-11 00:05:46+00 |
      100 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
       50 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 |                        |
     -150 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
     1000 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 |                        |
    -1000 |                0

select pg_sleep(1);

--  Yet more data
UPDATE radacct SET acctinputoctets = 175 WHERE acctuniqueid = '1';
UPDATE radacct SET acctinputoctets = 1750 WHERE acctuniqueid = '2';
SELECT fr_new_data_usage_period();
SELECT * FROM data_usage_by_period ORDER BY username, period_start;

--  username |      period_start      |       period_end       |
acctinputoctets | acctoutputoctets
-- ----------+------------------------+------------------------+-----------------+------------------
--  a        | 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 2022-04-11 00:05:46+00 |
      100 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
       50 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:21+00 |
       25 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:22+00 |                        |
     -175 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
     1000 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:21+00 |
      750 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:22+00 |                        |
    -1750 |                0

select pg_sleep(1);

--  Close session "a"
--  More data for "b"
UPDATE radacct SET acctinputoctets = 180, acctstoptime=NOW() WHERE
acctuniqueid = '1';
UPDATE radacct SET acctinputoctets = 1800 WHERE acctuniqueid = '2';
SELECT fr_new_data_usage_period();
SELECT * FROM data_usage_by_period ORDER BY username, period_start;

--  username |      period_start      |       period_end       |
acctinputoctets | acctoutputoctets
-- ----------+------------------------+------------------------+-----------------+------------------
--  a        | 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 2022-04-11 00:05:46+00 |
      100 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
       50 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:21+00 |
       25 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:22+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:38+00 |
        5 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
     1000 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:21+00 |
      750 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:22+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:38+00 |
       50 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:39+00 |                        |
    -1800 |                0

select pg_sleep(1);

--  Close session "b"
UPDATE radacct SET acctinputoctets = 2000, acctstoptime=NOW() WHERE
acctuniqueid = '2';
SELECT fr_new_data_usage_period();
SELECT * FROM data_usage_by_period ORDER BY username, period_start;

--  username |      period_start      |       period_end       |
acctinputoctets | acctoutputoctets
-- ----------+------------------------+------------------------+-----------------+------------------
--  a        | 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 2022-04-11 00:05:46+00 |
      100 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
       50 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:21+00 |
       25 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:22+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:38+00 |
        5 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
     1000 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:21+00 |
      750 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:22+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:38+00 |
       50 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:39+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:50+00 |
      200 |                0

select pg_sleep(1);

--  New session for "a"
INSERT INTO radacct (acctsessionid, acctuniqueid, nasipaddress,
username, acctinputoctets, acctoutputoctets, acctstarttime) VALUES
('11', '11', '', 'a', 123, 0, NOW());
SELECT fr_new_data_usage_period();
SELECT * from data_usage_by_period ORDER BY username, period_start;

--  username |      period_start      |       period_end       |
acctinputoctets | acctoutputoctets
-- ----------+------------------------+------------------------+-----------------+------------------
--  a        | 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 2022-04-11 00:05:46+00 |
      100 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
       50 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:21+00 |
       25 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:22+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:38+00 |
        5 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:51+00 | 2022-04-11 00:13:55+00 |
      123 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:13:56+00 |                        |
     -123 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
     1000 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:21+00 |
      750 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:22+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:38+00 |
       50 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:39+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:50+00 |
      200 |                0

select pg_sleep(1);

--  More data for "a"
--  New session for "b"
UPDATE radacct SET acctinputoctets = 234 WHERE acctuniqueid = '11';
INSERT INTO radacct (acctsessionid, acctuniqueid, nasipaddress,
username, acctinputoctets, acctoutputoctets, acctstarttime) VALUES
('22', '22', '', 'b', 1234, 0, NOW());
SELECT fr_new_data_usage_period();
SELECT * FROM data_usage_by_period ORDER BY username, period_start;

--  username |      period_start      |       period_end       |
acctinputoctets | acctoutputoctets
-- ----------+------------------------+------------------------+-----------------+------------------
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
       50 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:51+00 | 2022-04-11 00:13:55+00 |
      123 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:13:56+00 | 2022-04-11 00:15:33+00 |
      111 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:22+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:38+00 |
        5 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:15:34+00 |                        |
     -234 |                0
--  a        | 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 2022-04-11 00:05:46+00 |
      100 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:21+00 |
       25 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:15:34+00 |                        |
    -1234 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
     1000 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:21+00 |
      750 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:22+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:38+00 |
       50 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:39+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:50+00 |
      200 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:13:56+00 | 2022-04-11 00:15:33+00 |
     1234 |                0

select pg_sleep(1);

--  Yet more data
UPDATE radacct SET acctinputoctets = 555 WHERE acctuniqueid = '11';
UPDATE radacct SET acctinputoctets = 5555 WHERE acctuniqueid = '22';
SELECT fr_new_data_usage_period();
SELECT * FROM data_usage_by_period ORDER BY username, period_start;

--  username |      period_start      |       period_end       |
acctinputoctets | acctoutputoctets
-- ----------+------------------------+------------------------+-----------------+------------------
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:51+00 | 2022-04-11 00:13:55+00 |
      123 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:13:56+00 | 2022-04-11 00:15:33+00 |
      111 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:22+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:38+00 |
        5 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:15:34+00 | 2022-04-11 00:17:31+00 |
      321 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:21+00 |
       25 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:17:32+00 |                        |
     -555 |                0
--  a        | 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 2022-04-11 00:05:46+00 |
      100 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
       50 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:17:32+00 |                        |
    -5555 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:05:47+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:00+00 |
     1000 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:01+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:21+00 |
      750 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:22+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:38+00 |
       50 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:06:39+00 | 2022-04-11 00:06:50+00 |
      200 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:13:56+00 | 2022-04-11 00:15:33+00 |
     1234 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:15:34+00 | 2022-04-11 00:17:31+00 |
     4321 |                0

select pg_sleep(1);

--  Close session "a"
--  More data for "b"
UPDATE radacct SET acctinputoctets = 777, acctstoptime=NOW() WHERE
acctuniqueid = '11';
UPDATE radacct SET acctinputoctets = 7777 WHERE acctuniqueid = '22';
SELECT fr_new_data_usage_period();
SELECT * FROM data_usage_by_period ORDER BY username, period_start;

--  username |      period_start      |       period_end       |
acctinputoctets | acctoutputoctets
-- ----------+------------------------+------------------------+-----------------+------------------
--  a        | 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:17+00 |
      100 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:18+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:18+00 |
       50 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:19+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:19+00 |
       25 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:20+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:20+00 |
        5 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:22+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:22+00 |
      123 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:23+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:23+00 |
      111 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:24+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:24+00 |
      321 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:25+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:25+00 |
      222 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:18+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:18+00 |
     1000 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:19+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:19+00 |
      750 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:20+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:20+00 |
       50 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:21+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:21+00 |
      200 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:23+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:23+00 |
     1234 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:24+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:24+00 |
     4321 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:25+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:25+00 |
     2222 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:26+00 |                        |
    -7777 |                0

select pg_sleep(1);

--  Close session "b"
UPDATE radacct SET acctinputoctets = 10000, acctstoptime=NOW() WHERE
acctuniqueid = '22';
SELECT fr_new_data_usage_period();
SELECT * FROM data_usage_by_period ORDER BY username, period_start;

--  username |      period_start      |       period_end       |
acctinputoctets | acctoutputoctets
-- ----------+------------------------+------------------------+-----------------+------------------
--  a        | 1970-01-01 00:00:00+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:17+00 |
      100 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:18+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:18+00 |
       50 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:19+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:19+00 |
       25 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:20+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:20+00 |
        5 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:22+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:22+00 |
      123 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:23+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:23+00 |
      111 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:24+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:24+00 |
      321 |                0
--  a        | 2022-04-11 00:31:25+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:25+00 |
      222 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:18+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:18+00 |
     1000 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:19+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:19+00 |
      750 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:20+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:20+00 |
       50 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:21+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:21+00 |
      200 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:23+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:23+00 |
     1234 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:24+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:24+00 |
     4321 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:25+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:25+00 |
     2222 |                0
--  b        | 2022-04-11 00:31:26+00 | 2022-04-11 00:31:26+00 |
     2223 |                0

> On Thu, Apr 7, 2022 at 9:33 PM Alan DeKok <aland at> wrote:
> > On Apr 4, 2022, at 12:33 AM, Max James <xxedlxx101 at> wrote:
> > > I have followed the below "Periodic Data Usage Reporting" article found
> > on
> > > the freeradius wiki.
> > >
> > >
> > > I am using the postgresql process-radacct.sql script which can be found
> > on
> > > the freeradius-server github.
> > >
> >
> >
> >   That's from the "master" branch, but I suppose it should work for v3,
> > too.
> >
> > > The implementation was successful and works as expected, however I did
> > > notice an issue that I can't seem to figure out myself.
> > >
> > > If a users session ends and a new one begins, the next time the
> > > fr_new_data_usage_period() function is executed, it seems to be inserting
> > > the data usage for that entire session instead of only the data usage
> > that
> > > was accrued since the last time the function was executed.
> >
> >   Yes, it sets the total usage time for all closed sessions, and adds in
> > the time for the current session.
> >
> > > The function reports usage as expected until it comes across users that
> > > have a new session since the function was last executed. I've spent a few
> > > hours trying to figure out the cause but I've had no luck. Any advice or
> > > help is much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
> >
> >   I'm not sure what's wrong here.  The table is updated with the total
> > value of session time.  That's what it's supposed to do?
> >
> >   Alan DeKok.

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