Query on UDP proxy socket using freeradius version 3.0.16

Alan DeKok aland at deployingradius.com
Fri Jun 16 14:42:51 UTC 2023

On Jun 16, 2023, at 10:34 AM, saurabha badhai <saurabha.badhai at gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks for your answer. Few more doubts on your answer when freeradius run
> as client and proxying packet. AAA I refer to the server here.

  Most of your concerns are dealing with basic Unix operation, not with FreeRADIUS.

> When port change happens at freeradius as client for the same AAA ? If
> freeradius client say suppose bind to 26001 and authentication happens,
> then why will it change to another port say suppose 26002 or any other port
> even though first port (26001) is open and serving. Is this because of high
> load or any thing as such ?

  I don't understand the question.  I think you're confused about a bunch of things, and can't explain things clearly.

  Both a RADIUS client and server can run on the same machine at the same time.  It's fine.  If you want to know why, you can read a book on "Unix networking 101".  All of this is explained extensively in various documentation about networking.

  i.e. none of this has anything to do with RADIUS or FreeRADIUS.

> Can all threads use the same AAA port when thousands of messages get served
> or multiple ports opened at the same time ?

  You can read the source code.

  In general, you don't need to know this information.  If you're modifying the source code, then go read the source code.

  If you're just administering a RADIUS server, then you don't need to know the details.  It works, it's fine.

  If you still care about the details, even though you're just running the server, then you can go read the source code.  It's not productive for me to explain all of the internal implementation details and design.

  This list isn't a place to learn about Unix networking.  That information is documented extensively elsewhere on the net.

  Alan DeKok.

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