freeradius and oracle LDAP

Vladimir Vuksan vlists at
Thu Aug 11 19:10:28 CEST 2005

Allan Borman wrote:

> I have put together a freeradius server to authenticate users existing 
> on our oracle LDAP directory.  The issue that I have is getting the 
> passowrd from oracle.  I can probe the LDAP, get a user authorized and 
> fallback to the default for the passowrd check which is the "system".  
> It all works well.  However our LDAP uses oracle on the back end to 
> check the password.  Has anyone configured radius to do this?  I need 
> to send a request to LDAP to check the password as well.

That is really an Oracle LDAP directory configuration issue. FreeRADIUS 
doesn't really care what the backend is. It only cares that you can do 
LDAP bind and that LDAP directory provides password hashes. For example 
I can query my OpenLDAP database and it will provide me with


atrributes that I can use to authenticate past that. This is not a 
RADIUS issue. You have to configure your LDAP directory to provide you 
with the right info.

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