multiple threads

Artur Hecker hecker at
Tue Aug 30 19:37:25 CEST 2005

hi Alan

>>ok, no i meant the daemon mode. sorry, my comment was a bit misleading. 
>>it's just that i would expect FR to show every configuration token it 
>>has read. and thread pool seems to be ignored in the debug.
>   It prints out the configuration it *uses*.  It reads pretty much
> anything from the configuration files.
>   e.g.
>   arthur {
> 	 france = yes
> 	 angleterre = no
>   }
>   will be read fine. :) But it won't be printed out in debug mode,
> because the server isn't looking for it.
>   It makes the server a *lot* more forgiving, and easier to work with.

you know I remember a lot of users having _major_ problems with SCSI 
because it was too forgiving for simple setups...

why not at least mentioning that the server has just ignored a 
configuration token for whatever reason? e.g. ignoring thread_pool 
because -X was given at the command line. might help someone to see that 
his new config is not accepted. and don't you "patches are welcome" on 
me :-)

but anyway, it was not at all my problem. you have already pointed out 
the actual problem...


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