OS Update broke FR - rlm_exec-1.0.0.so not found
Landon Cox
freeradius at 360vl.com
Wed Dec 7 00:30:23 CET 2005
Hi FR community,
I've been running FR on an updated (recently fully patched apps) SuSE
9.2 (kernel 2.6.8-24-default) I was successfully running an earlier
version of FR and when I decided to do an update of FR through SuSE's
online update, FR will no longer come up and fails with a dynamic
link error:
radiusd: entering modules setup
Module: Library search path is /usr/lib/freeradius
radiusd.conf[1367] Failed to link to module 'rlm_exec': /usr/lib/
freeradius/rlm_exec-1.0.0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory
radius2:/home/lcox # ls /usr/lib/freeradius/rlm_exec-1*
/usr/lib/freeradius/rlm_exec-1.0.0.la /usr/lib/freeradius/
As you can see, my /usr/lib/freeradius directory does have the .so
file, but I can't tell from the output if rlm_exec is dependent upon
some other file that is not found or the dynamic linker can't find
rlm_exec-1.0.0.so. So, that's one question - what is not being
found? Sounds obvious, except that I have the exact .so filename in
the library search path.
SuSE Yast claims it has installed FR 1.0.0-5.6. A radiusd -v produces:
radiusd: FreeRADIUS Version 1.0.0, for host , built on May 30 2005 at
Copyright (C) 2000-2003 The FreeRADIUS server project.
I've seen numerous references to this exact linkage error on various
freeradius lists as well as have seen it on lists for various
architectures and *nix's, not just x86/SuSE Linux. However, there is
typically no response given to fix the problem except to rebuild FR
with no shared libraries and even in those cases, the build often
seems to break later leaving the admin stuck further down the line.
Is there a known solution to what seems like a relatively common
problem of rlm_exec dynamic linkage issues? What am I missing and
what needs to be done to cause this to work with the shared .so lib
file vs having to rebuild it with static libs?
Thanks in advance for any help or direction.
(Full text of -X output follows)
radius2:/home/lcox # /usr/sbin/radiusd -X
Starting - reading configuration files ...
reread_config: reading radiusd.conf
Config: including file: /etc/raddb/proxy.conf
Config: including file: /etc/raddb/clients.conf
Config: including file: /etc/raddb/snmp.conf
Config: including file: /etc/raddb/eap.conf
Config: including file: /etc/raddb/sql.conf
main: prefix = "/usr"
main: localstatedir = "/var"
main: logdir = "/var/log/radius"
main: libdir = "/usr/lib/freeradius"
main: radacctdir = "/var/log/radius/radacct"
main: hostname_lookups = no
main: max_request_time = 30
main: cleanup_delay = 5
main: max_requests = 1024
main: delete_blocked_requests = 0
main: port = 0
main: allow_core_dumps = no
main: log_stripped_names = no
main: log_file = "/var/log/radius/radius.log"
main: log_auth = yes
main: log_auth_badpass = yes
main: log_auth_goodpass = yes
main: pidfile = "/var/run/radiusd/radiusd.pid"
main: user = "radiusd"
main: group = "radiusd"
main: usercollide = no
main: lower_user = "no"
main: lower_pass = "no"
main: nospace_user = "no"
main: nospace_pass = "no"
main: checkrad = "/usr/sbin/checkrad"
main: proxy_requests = yes
proxy: retry_delay = 5
proxy: retry_count = 3
proxy: synchronous = no
proxy: default_fallback = yes
proxy: dead_time = 120
proxy: post_proxy_authorize = yes
proxy: wake_all_if_all_dead = no
security: max_attributes = 200
security: reject_delay = 1
security: status_server = no
main: debug_level = 0
read_config_files: reading dictionary
read_config_files: reading naslist
read_config_files: reading clients
read_config_files: reading realms
radiusd: entering modules setup
Module: Library search path is /usr/lib/freeradius
radiusd.conf[1367] Failed to link to module 'rlm_exec': /usr/lib/
freeradius/rlm_exec-1.0.0.so: cannot open shared object file: No such
file or directory
radius2:/home/lcox # ls /usr/lib/freeradius/rlm_exec-1*
/usr/lib/freeradius/rlm_exec-1.0.0.la /usr/lib/freeradius/
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