Multiple Home Servers

maxim maxime maxim1355 at
Thu Dec 15 00:42:27 CET 2005

I have a 0.9.2 server working as a proxy to three
ISPs. Since they've just decided to work together,
they still have some dial-up users. Their new users
will be generated with a proper prefix, but all of the
old users (with no prefix/suffix) will go through NULL
realm. Although I can have multiple NULL realms, but
only if one server replies with reject, it will not go
through other realms (it will fail-over if no answer).
How can I tell freeradius to go to next server if the
username was not found in the previous home server?
It is possible with modules as mentioned in
configurable_failover and changing "action on
results". How about in proxy?


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